A Valentine’s Day Getaway to Tulsa

A few years ago, Robby decided to surprise me with a Valentine’s Day getaway to Tulsa. When I woke up Robby had our suitcases out and told me to pack for an overnight trip. When I asked where we were going, he said the whole day would be a surprise!…

5 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Cozy

Winter is here and it is time to make our homes feel cozy. In my area, we are expecting our first snow this weekend. We find ourselves wanting to stay at home more because it gets dark earlier and it’s cold outside. This is why a cozy home is so…

What’s Next?

It is an end to Christmas but the beginning of a new season of settling in, reflecting, planning and dreaming of what’s to come. I’m learning that even though our nest may once again be empty, our hearts can still be full.


Ig-Nite  The evening of the annual IG festival It was the Christmas season of 1980 when I was a Junior in High School. A number of my friends and I had known each other since Junior High and were set to be the Springdale High School graduating class of 1982….

Helen’s Golden Apple Cake

My Mother’s Recipe Books One of the most precious things that I have are the recipe books I received from my mother, Helen Brightwell. They aren’t fancy but they have the BEST recipes in them. She wrote out many of the recipes in her beautiful cursive writing while others she…

Creating New Christmas Memories

Looking Back Moving Forward Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love everything about it. When I was little my parents celebrated Christmas in a big way. We always had a beautifully decorated tree, lots of wrapped presents and then Santa always delivered way more than we deserved. My mom once…

A New Idea for a Sneaky Elf

Should I do Elf on the Shelf or not? When my kids were younger we relied on Winter Warlock’s magic snowball to show Santa that they had been good but not anymore! Maybe because of global warming or maybe Winter just needed a break after so many years, it became…

The Plastic Wrap Christmas Ball Game

What is it and how does it work? I wrote about the plastic Christmas ball game on my Facebook page last year and had so many questions about it that I decided to make a whole post about it! This game is one that my family plays when we all…