About Us

Introducing Angela and Robby
Angela and Robby at Pumpkins in the Pines

Big Changes

We are Angela and Robby and we are empty nesters. After thirty years of glorious parenthood, it’s hard to imagine that we no longer have children in our home. We were the kind of parents that were super involved in everything our kids did (sometimes much to their dismay), and we always did everything BIG. Making memories and setting up family traditions was very important to us. Family vacations, celebrating holidays, volunteering in the school, and cheering on our kids at ball games, and events were the norm for us. When our schedule was super busy we reminded ourselves that someday we would miss all of this, and we were so right.

Our Last Bird Flew out of the Nest

It wasn’t long, and our youngest son went to college, then our daughter graduated from college, and chose to live with us for a few more years. We took this as a temporary reprieve from empty-nesting and enjoyed those years with her tremendously. Our reprieve ended when she met her prince charming this past year, and they got married last April. While we were thrilled for her and so happy that all of our children are out and living their best life, we were suddenly faced with an empty nest. Our house was really quiet, and we weren’t sure what to do.

A Chance for New Memories

Then came the summer. We both work for public schools, and have summers off. It was going to be one long summer if we just sat on the couch, so we chose to do something different. We made a summer bucket list and determined to create new memories with just the two of us. Our goal became to honor our past memories while building on them with new memories. We learned new things and went to places that we had never been to. We shared our adventures and journey on social media and several friends became interested in our new memories so we decided to start this blog.

Empty Nest but Full Lives

We believe that just because our nests may be empty, we don’t have to be. Our marriages can still be full of fun and adventure. Because we work with children and their families we have lots of great ideas to share with young families so that they can make wonderful memories as well. So, come along with us on our journey to new things, and we will do our best to give ideas and tips as we learn them. Regardless of the stage of life, let’s make our nest full of fun and wonderful memories.