What’s Next?

Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019 was amazing. Our kids and their spouse/fiance came along with our granddog and grandcat. We celebrated Christmas, but we also talked about the wedding coming up and our granddaughter coming soon. Our Christmas was full, just like our house. I made it a point to soak in every moment of our family this year. Things that might have bothered me when the kids were younger are now sweet treasures. I enjoyed how loud the house would get whereas 10 years ago I would have been desperate for some peace and quiet. Wrapping paper piled up in the living room as we opened gifts, and I didn’t even pick up one piece until every gift was opened. The dishes in the kitchen sink reminded me that our house was full. As we enjoyed our full house I didn’t even allow myself to think of what would be next.

The Holiday Hangover

Like all good things, even Christmas had to come to an end. Cameron, Paige, and Beau (our granddog) left this morning. Tyler is back to work, and Chelsea is at home working on report cards. As we were in the driveway waving to Cameron and Paige, I could feel the loudness, the laughter and the feeling of a full house slipping away. When Robby and I walked back into the house we could hear nothing but silence and it was deafening. The house definitely felt empty and I have to admit, so did my heart. It almost felt like a holiday hangover. Robby started doing dishes and I started writing this post. It helps to put your feelings onto paper.

What’s Next?

This is the phrase that continually gets me through these times. Robby asked me this question after Chelsea got married and I honestly didn’t have an answer for him. That is when we started making our bucket lists of things to do and ended up filling our summer with things that reconnected us, which helped us realize that we still have more fun times ahead. As we came into the house today Robby turned around and said: “What’s next?” Again, I am struggling with the answer, but I know that in the answer is where we will once again find our life after kids. After thinking for a few minutes I thought about the new camera I got for Christmas and how I want to learn to use it. Robby also gave me an overnight bag that is starting to call my name. I have a book to read and Robby has some movies he wants to watch. We have already started cleaning the house and will eventually start to pull down the Christmas decorations and fill the house with cozy winter decorations soon.

New Season

As the New Year approaches we will be working on our January bucket list and maybe even a bucket list for the year. We have more things to learn and more places to explore. We have a wedding coming up and a granddaughter coming soon. Adventures are out there waiting on us, and we are excited to begin them. While today does feel a little sad, it also is beginning to feel exciting. It is an end to Christmas but the beginning of a new season of settling in, reflecting, planning, and dreaming of what’s to come. As we are thinking and planning we are looking for ways to honor those who came before us, enjoy those who are with us and pave the way for those coming behind us. What’s next for you? I’m learning that even though our nest may once again be empty, our hearts can be full. Let’s enjoy this season that is ahead of us.

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